Storeless Reviews & Coupon Code – Shopify & Woocommerce Alternative

2018 Shopify & Woocommerce Alternative - The Storeless App Reviews & Coupon Code
2018 Shopify & Woocommerce Alternative – The Storeless App Reviews & Coupon Code


First, before I tell you about this wonderful software, I will rewind the time to where it all started.


The 20th century was marked by a constant growth of factory workers and this was making those same workers slowly become obsolete. It is a hard truth to accept, we know, but then there is a light at the end of that rabbit hole.

The rise of eCommerce stores has been brought by the fact that most consumers now shop online which has led to most businesses going online. Thus consumer migration to online platform has lead to an increase in customer demand. eCommerce is one of the hottest topics in the world right now that even newbies are finding true success in (not theories and pipe dreams).


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So now the big question: how much do you know about ecommerce?

The thought of making money while you sleep is enticing. Imagine waking up in the morning to your biggest order of the year coming through via an ecommerce sale. Now think about the feeling of being on vacation on the beach and having your biggest sales week of the year. This is the beauty of ecommerce. You can be working out of your basement in Blacksburg, Va. and someone living in a Beverly Hills mansion can order your product. Let me be honest here, eCom is awesome. At its core, it refers to the purchase and sale of goods and/or services via electronic channels such as the internet. E-commerce is much more than marketing or selling.

What do you stand to gain if you sell products you never have inventory of it online?

1.Easy to start and manage: If you have as low as one hundred dollars to your name, you can make and amass so much money. It’s easier and faster to buy and sell, as well as to find products. If you want a quick start, eCommerce will be your best bet. As long as you have a connection to the internet and a computer, you can start your business from anywhere, even from your couch!

2. Low operational costs and better quality of services: When you’re first starting out, eCommerce allows you to avoid many of the large, upfront investments that traditional retail can incur. You can build out your business as your sales grow.

3. Expansion and more reach to customers, there is no theoretical geographic limitations: eCommerce provides new channels for you to reach more customers. Whether you’re just starting out or an existing seller, there are new customers to serve. With eCommerce, you can sell to customers anywhere, anytime. This allows you to serve customers across the US, or internationally. E-commerce is global. That is a whole lot of space which it covers. With the rise of the delivery drones, it is also becoming a lot more convenient than driving to a store, browsing merchandise, waiting in a line, buying a product, and driving all the way back whence you came. Herein lies the power of electronic commerce and its websites. Instead of doing this (mostly) tedious routine day in, day out, you could hop on your phone, browse for nearby shops and restaurants with delivery, and order everything you need. There is no possible wider audience, at least for the moment. With a global reach, comes a global access. You can operate and manage your business all the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. In turn, as you can get orders faster, you get to enjoy faster transactions.

4. Serve Niche Markets: eCommerce makes serving niche markets even easier. If you sell a niche product or serve a niche market, you might find it easier to distribute your products online. You’ll open your business to a greater depth of consumers. Customers can easily select products from different providers without moving around physically.

5. Provide More Information: Having information in (quite literally) the palm of your hand is another great example of the benefits of e-commerce to society. People are able to access information even on the “go”, which further simplifies and hastens the shopping experience. Want a boat? No problem, a quick Google search reveals all the info you’ll need as an amateur fisherperson. An online presence allows you to provide more information about your products and services to your customers. A branded site especially gives sellers a place to provide key content to customers. This information helps a customer make their purchasing decision both in-store or online. Your eCommerce site can also provide more information about your business or how to use your products.

6. No need for physical company set-ups: Majority of online consumers don’t just research online about product. Most consumers are now buying online, too. Sell where your customers are. If most of your customers shop online, then you should be selling online! eCommerce allows you to meet the shopping expectations of your customers. You can be where your customers are.

It is important that you acknowledge at this point that amid the so much cutthroat competition, only the right combination of business model and ecommerce platform will survive because your traction in the ecommerce world depends a lot on the kind of technology you are equipped with. You have to choose a platform that can meet your own distinct feature requirements as appropriately and as uniquely as your individual business model. Getting your own eCommerce store is as easy as registering a domain, creating an account in any of the eCommerce platforms and voila, you start drop-shipping. Platforms behind achieving the type of sales you want and also commonly used to make income on e-commerce includes

Shopify is quickly becoming a favorite for e-commerce users. The user interface of the admin panel is simply gorgeous. The biggest downside is the limited ability to change the checkout page.

Woo commerce is a name that needs no introduction in the world of ecommerce. It comes along with a secure payment gateway and a shopping cart that both work really well.

Amazon and Etsy also support dropshipping given the recent addition of their sales funnel on Shopify. They are a home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search, no matter what it is.

When it comes to operating and maintaining these platforms for online sales of goods, it’s really difficult to achieve and at the same time make income from it.

You might already know the above details but yet you are not making sales, I mean convertible sales. You have installed all the necessary apps, used ads to market your sales and even tried to draw reasonable traffic with these ads, yet no conversion has been made.

Truth is, these platforms are not easy to make money from no matter how easy it sounds. You can make money through this medium but to what cost? Cost of so much ads and no conversion? Cost of marinating your various softwares and websites etc? Frankly, these platforms such as Shopify are great to sell and drop ship on but there is more to it than the eyes can truly see. The procedure goes beyond creating a store, registering a domain and then you hit a jack pot over night.

Yes, setting up can be easy to achieve, you can get that done in less than 3 minutes, but the real problem lies with setting the store up to be functional and fully optimized. Thereafter, you will test your products, market them with ads before you can think of making sales. To achieve all of this effectively, it can take up to 4-5 weeks and after that time, you are not fully guaranteed of making any reasonable income.

While it may appear that e-commerce is the perfect choice to solve your business problems, there are still a number of disadvantages to switching from selling at a physical location to using online retail. To make a fair evaluation of e-commerce, we cannot stop at discussing the advantages of e-commerce. E-commerce is a global marketplace. You can order various products and services from nearly anywhere in the world. Thus far, adding an ecommerce website to your already successful retail establishment probably sounds like a great idea. But just as it is important to explore the advantages of ecommerce, it is also important to explore the disadvantages as well. Doing this has its cons despite how sweet its rewards can be

Lack of In-Store Engagement with Customers: When it’s all said and done, nothing can replace the personal experience that a normal retail store offers. In-store engagement with customers is something many businesses are trying to preserve, even as technology continues to invade the retail space. The ability to speak with a sales assistant about your needs and issues is still much better guidance than looking at words on a screen and figuring out what it is that you need. Of all the advantages and disadvantages of ecommerce, losing the ability to look your customer in the eye and explain to them the value of your goods or service, is the biggest loss.

The Added Cost of Operating an Online Store

Web hosting for online stores is not as expensive as, say, keeping a physical store open at all hours, but the costs of setting up and maintaining an ecommerce site do add up. It also means you, the small business owner, either has to add more hours of work to your own plate or hire someone new to setup, operate, and manage your online store. You’ll also need more skilled labor trained in digital marketing and technology to make sure you get the most out of your ecommerce investment.

Many Goods Cannot Be Purchased Online

Despite its many conveniences, there are goods that you cannot buy online. Most of these would be in the categories of “perishable” or “odd-sized.” Think about it; you cannot order a popsicle (also referred to as an ice pop or ice lolly) or a dining table set. Well, you could order both of them online, but consider the inconvenience.

Unsure about the quality: When you go to a shop, you can actually see and touch the product before paying for it. This option is absent when shopping online. It is commonly seen that when the product is delivered, it may differ in size or color.


This is another disadvantage that often pops up here and there is credit card or identity theft. Although both are severe issues, we could argue that a lot worse could happen the next time you carelessly run over the street to grab that delicious candy you want. When making an online purchase, you have to provide at least your credit card information and mailing address. In many cases, e-commerce websites can harvest other information about your online behavior and preferences. It could lead to credit card fraud, or worse, identity theft.

High set up cost: The initial cost of setting up an e-commerce site is high. It calls for experts in the fields of software, marketing and good decision makers to sell the product. Even the delay or inexperience of the people involved can result in loss of money.

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But that’s not all!

These cons are not the reason why you are not making the right 6 figure income with your ecom store. Often times, it could be the mad rush for a selling product by many sellers for a product. Such product becomes so rampant that the buyer gets confused with which one to purchase as it has to pick from a wide range of sellers. Sometimes, it could be distraction from the so many products you have on your store. Some would love to check all through it and end up buying nothing

Ecom stores that use upsells do not make more income rather they increase the amount of money you have to pay for monthly use. These stores were not made to function alongside these apps and plugins and no matter the number you install, it will still bring you no sale!.

Yes, you can be driving lots and lots of traffic but to what end? No sales. It doesn’t matter. It makes no sense if many people visit your site and they don’t convert to buyers neither do they even place an order. Just alone, this stores cannot make sales rather they would incur debt on their own as they would have low conversion rates.

When you want to really make income through ecommerce, you have to know a whole lot of things on various apps, techs etc. To get the right information you need to achieve this, you will study , do lots of research. This is only if you wish to get the store up and ready within two weeks.

The market is changing for eCommerce and FAST! Because of Social Media websites like Instagram & Facebook people are now shopping differently. People online are not shopping around websites as much as they used to because now people are ‘Online Window Shopping’ on Social Media. Users are being targeted with ads and as they scroll through those ads they’re choosing individual products they like and ordering. What this means is that being the owner of an eCommerce Store is becoming less and less important. What is becoming MORE important is targeting your audience with the right product for them over Social Media.

Many ecommerce businesses are failing within the first months or years. They are struggling to survive, to make profits. If you are already scared about earning with ecommerce, then you don’t know what you are about to lose. This online business might be popular and can return you lots of profits, however, there has been recent figures that show that almost all these stores have ineffective business performance. This is simply because they do not have enough knowledge nor experience on how to customize their stores.

But these do not have to be so if you have and use the right ecom funnel. Ecom funnels bridge the gap that prevent sales. They stand in the gap to serve as a quick aide to help you make lots of income right away. This led to the use of ClickFunnels lately. Physical Product funnels! However, the problem with ClickFunnels is that this app is not focused solely towards helping you earn not to talk of your stores being self sustaining.

So then, if you have a complete tool like an ecom funnel that can set up everything from landing pages, check out pages to even promotion campaign, do you think you will succeed? Which funnel works fast and as the same time can increase your much needed conversion rate?

This is where this groundbreaking software Storeless comes in.

Selling physical products on the Internet is challenging. Unlike a normal store where the customers come and buy the goods, there are many more steps that online vendors have to fulfill. For example, they need to have reliable delivery services, converting e-commerce websites, a high level of exposure on the Internet, quality FB ads, and many other aspects. Among the necessary elements of e-commerce businesses, the sales websites or e-com stores are crucial as they are responsible for persuading your customers. However, these virtual places are becoming costlier and harder to maintain, but they cannot ensure your profits.

If you are interested in e-Commerce, there is no reason to skip this Storeless software. Storeless is the revolutionary software for building high performance eCom funnels that convert 3 – 5x better than Shopify and WooCommerce stores. It is the best solution for you, with basic Storeless app offering, you are allowed to use it and build unlimited funnels.

It’s a new software that builds eCommerce sales funnels that are centred around 1 product. You can choose a product that your audience likes, target your audience over Social Media with that product then offer upgrades after your new customers have purchased. This is the new way of selling and many eCommerce sellers are noticing an increase in conversions of between 15 and 20% simply from using this approach instead of promoting their store.

Storeless app is an unique no-store-ecom software that allows you to build unlimited eCom funnels and you can build funnel on any type of eCom business model you’re running whether it’s standard drop-shipping, free + shipping, print on demand, private label or subscription model. It’s been proven time and time again that eCom funnels convert 5-10X Better than regular eCom stores (Shopify, WooCommerce etc). That’s why many 6 and 7 figure Shopify vendors use funnels apps in their store such as Zipify, TriFunnels, Smarketly, LinearFunnels etc. but all these apps have major limitations. These are heavily limited to Shopify, you pay monthly, they can’t build complex physical product funnels and they are not robust enough to run outside the Shopify ecosystem.

This software builds funnel on any type of eCom business model you’re running whether it’s standard drop-shipping, free + shipping, print on demand, private label or subscription model. Customers get access to dozens of readymade ecom sales page templates they can deploy immediately. A customer will be able to accept orders directly in his account using Paypal or Stripe or if they wish to use a full-blown shopping cart platform such as SamCart, Clickbank, ThriveCart, Paykickstart, GumRoad, InfusionSoft etc. There are so much you can do with this software, apart from allowing you to manage and fulfil your orders. With it, you can know who is abandoning cart and more importantly, you’ll see the reason why they abandoned cart and this will give you an edge in recovering the lost sales compared to regular stores that never reveal why a cart was abandoned. Now, even if you have absolutely no experience in eCommerce, have never built a Shopify store before, you can start crushing eCom and raking in thousands of dollars in sales every single day. No need for Inventory, No Shopify/Amazon needed and No complicated technical setup. And the best part about this eCom funnels are the UPSELLS which will 10x your revenue overnight.

Created by Precious Ngwu, an expert in managing his online business, Storeless is a brand new product made to equip its subscribers with thorough knowledge on how to empower their e-Commerce business.


Storeless App Facebook Ad Spend
Storeless App Facebook Ad Spend


Here are the features Storeless has to offer:


Storeless High-Converting Product Pages

Storeless provides users with a wide variety of ready-made sales templates. You can use and launch your products using these themes. They cover all kinds of niche, ranging from outdoor gears to tech gadgets. Besides, it consists of several e-Commerce funnels. Hence, you are capable of launching your campaigns instantly. You will receive dozens of high converting sales templates to use and launch your physical templates. Whether you’re selling tech gadgets, outdoor gears or skin care serums, there is something for you.

Storeless Offer Build Up Product Funnels

Along with the available templates, Storeless supplies users with the best sales page structure. They have utilized their successful businesses to come up with these templates. Not to mention that it works for all languages. Consequently, you can collect leads, as well as set up an enormous client email list for traffic generation.

Facebook Ads & Google Ads Ready

The templates included in the application prove to be the outstanding ones. Simply put, they turn out to have the highest conversion rates. In addition, Storeless lets subscribers create as many e-Commerce funnels as you want with your account. It means that you can sell an unlimited number of products. Instead of having to outsource a marketing force outside of advertising for your sales sites, Storeless goes the extra mile for you. The templates are enhanced with the Ads service in such a way that it has the complete sales structure inside of it. With just a push of a button, you will get teh best conversion rates!

Storeless Create Super Simple Unlimited Funnel Steps/Pages

Within every funnel, you can do a lot of things. You can produce several sales page, story pages, retargeting, upsells, and so on. There are no restrictions to what you can produce. In each funnel, you can create multiple sales pages, lead-in page, story pages, upsells, retargeting, there’s no limit to what you can create.

Deep Integration Storeless with Shopify for Direct Checkout from Your Funnel


Everybody loves to use Shopify or even WooCommerce as they are the most preferred dropshipping platform available for use. With Storeless/Shopify API, you can integrate your Shopify or WooCommerce store directly to Storeless account. Once you set up an eCom funnel, you connect the product to your existing product inside Shopify so that once a customer clicks the buy button; they’re redirected straight to your checkout form on Shopify

Full Blown Drag & Drop Page Builder to Create Stunning Sales Pages for eCom Products

With Storeless, you can see exactly who’s buying, what they bought and how much you’re making from your funnels. From here you’ll be able to track and manage all your orders including successful, abandoned or fulfilled.

Profiting with Single Product eCom Funnels is like Flicking A Switch. It’s so easy that regret wasting so much time trying to build your store that never made you a dime. You just need 1 product and by tomorrow morning, you’ll be crushing it.

  • Suitable for any item in any specialty
  • Developing purposes of landing, refund pages and arrangements and developing points of arrival, rebate pages and deals all show in one single application
  • Integrated unlimited and boundless eCom stores
  • Powerful Website maker
  • 100% tenderfoot generous
  • 30-Day Money back confirmation
  • Reasonable cost. No extra and covered charges
Intergrate Storeless With Amazon Shopify Etsy and Woocommerce
Intergrate Storeless With Amazon Shopify Etsy and Woocommerce

So how does this storless software work?

To do this is very simple as it cuts outs the rigors and hassles you have to pass through working with so many apps for your store. Storeless can be set up following just three steps:

Step 1: Connect a payment processor or ecommerce store

First, you add your payment processor which could be Paypal or any other processor you prefer to use. Next, connect your stores. Storeless support 2 ecom platforms including Shopify and WooCommerce and some Autoresponders like MailChimp, Aweber, Getresponse, ActiveCampaign, MarketHero, and Sendlane.

Step 2: Next, add your product and product group: Add your products, variants and configure check out


Step 3: Finally, set up a product funnel and boom, you hav esuccessfully set up your page to start making sales immediately


It’s very easy to do.

Why would i need this Storeless product, you may ask?


Fact is, as an e-Commerce store owners or newbie, you would find Storeless extremely useful. Vendors are aware of the fact that the best method to achieve sales is to use a top-notch product page. It stands out among regular product listing methods. That’s why Shopify vendors do not mind spending hundreds of dollars every month. However, it is hardly ever enough to enhance sales. For that reason, Storeless is a more suitable choice. It will provide you with periodic data and performance reports. As such, you can figure out which part of your business is not performing well. Thereafter, you can identify which adjustments that you should conduct.


Ad Spend of Facebook ROI With Storeless APP
Ad Spend of Facebook ROI With Storeless APP

What do you stand to gain if you get this software right away?

  • Unbelievable Conversion Rates: With Storeless eCom funnels, gutting 12 – 24% conversion rate is normal, when most ecom stores can’t even convert up to 3%.
  • Upsells and Downsells to Triple Revenue Per Order: Now you can build true upsells and turn a regular $19 bracelet sale into a $88 total order value from the 1 customer. You are going to recieve dozens of high converting sales templates to use and launch your physical templates, whether you are selling outdoor gears, or skin care serums or even tech gadgets.
  • Fast and Beautiful Express Checkout Pages That Actually COnvert: Ugly & cumbersome checkout pages are the #1 conversion killer in eCommmerce. You work so hard to get traffic, pay for ads, find winning products, and write awesome copies and just 1 little step in the process ruins it all. Don’t let that be you! In eCom, your checkout process is the most important step of all and if you or your eCom store platform makes it hard for customers to give you money, you’ll be the only one to lose. This Storeless software has checkout pages that have been battle-tested and ready to meet your expectations and more. Perhaps, this is the #1 pride and one of the core reasons for the insanely low cart abandonment rate that Storeless users are enjoying today.
  • Sell In Any Language: Whether you’re targeting the Italian market, Brazilian market or the good ‘ol US of A, Storeless is ready to go… there’s no market or language barrier.
  • Fully Mobile Responsive: Currently, 70% – 90% of the paid traffic on Facebook is via mobile account for 80% of our sales, with Storeless… all your funnels & page will be mobile ready.
  • Sell Via Top Shopping Carts: Is your product hosted on a Shopping Cart? No Problem.. You can sell via SamCart, Clickbank, PayKickstart, GumRoad, ThriveCart
  • Integrates with Top Email Marketing Platform: Storeless will not just locally store your contact details of your leads & customer so you can access them anytime but also sync with your ESP (Aweber, MailChimp, GetResponse etc.)
  • Stellar Cart Recovery Technology: This software took cart recovery to show you exactly who abandoned and more importantly “Why They Abandoned The Cart”. Its cart recovery technology doesn’t just show you who’s abandoning your cart but exactly why the cart was abandoned. It is important and right that you deserve to know the reason while a cart was abandoned in other to make a successful recovery and better yet, avoid such reasons in future. This software will also provide you the contact details of the customer so you can immediately engage them and close the sale.
  • Robust Page Builder: Is your product hosted on a Shopping Cart? No Problem.. You can sell via SamCart, Clickbank, PayKickstart, GumRoad, ThriveCart. In eCommerce, even with Shopify, sellers know that the best way to get sales is using a fledged-out product page as opposed to a regular product listing, this is why Shopify sellers are spending $79 – $129/month on minuscule builders that don’t even have enough throttle power to boost sales. The product page builder has amazing functionality and it’s super flexible you can create unlimited layouts and page designs with it, it’s got all the eCom conversion boosters in 1 place including countdown timers and FAQ accordion. Many marketers use ClickFunnels (CF) to build. However, this builder is NOT grid based like CF, which means you’re not restricted to rows and columns, you can drag and drop anything anywhere, the only limitation is your imagination.
  • Newbie Friendly + Solid Training: Storeless is easy to use, either for a complete newbie with no experience in marketing or a Pro in ecommerce. You can launch your funnels within few minute.
  • Get Results In The First Day: Building a funnel is 1 thing but actually getting conversions and making sales… that’s the creme de la creme. You are assured of making a sale within 1 day of launching your funnels.
  • Ease of managing orders in one place: In 1 click, you can move orders from successful to fulfilled once you’ve actually fulfilled them so that every order is neatly tracked and processed. If you also want to process a refund, 1 click and it’s done. Storeless makes it as easy as ABC to manage your orders.
  • Create Special Offers and Promotions for Products Already Existing in Your Stores : Use Storeless to create a funnel for these products or just create a presell promotion pages for them and watch your sales & conversions go through the roof. This method can bring many stores back to life, and it can also take stores that are struggling to make up to $100 a day to $1,800 per day overnight. With Storeless, you don’t have to delete your store or abandon it,… with Presell Funnels feature inside Storeless, you can sell products in your stores and watch your revenue TRIPLE immediately.
  • The Storeless network is safe, so you can trust it. It also provides a secure interface and connection for confidential transactions. It gives you peace of mind from the security issues making payments online places-on most sellers and buyers. Your buyers can be assured of making secured transactions for their purchases.
  • Build Unlimited eCom Funnels… Outfit each with your Physical Product Offers: Storeless allows you to build unlimited eCom funnel in your account which means you can sell unlimited products you wish. You can create unlimited funnel pages. In each funnel, you can create multiple sales pages, lead-in page, story pages, upsells, retargeting, there’s no limit to what you can create. Its also provides you with robust A/B Split Test Engine. No guesswork, you can effortlessly split test between 2 physical products pages to know which one converts better, something you can never do on a regular store. Storeless helps you to visualize performance. It enables you to know at once, the products in your shop that are your money makers right before you even delve into deep analytics.
  • 100% Cloud Based – nothing to download or install
  • Run a 6 – 7 figure drop-shipping ecom business effortlessly
  • Collect leads and build a massive customer email list for evergreen traffic generation

Storeless is the ultimate solution for eCommerce business and it is considered to be the most affordable programs serving as eCom funnel currently available in the market. With all the information in this article, you are sure to gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then get the software immediately before the price rises. Cheers to your success.


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