Alternative for Clickfunnels vs Leadpages vs Optimizepress 2018 Sale Funnel & Opt in Landing Page Free or Paid ?

Marketing & Sales Funnel System
Automated Marketing & Sales Funnel System

When you own the business and want to get the new customers or sell some specific product, the best way to improve your results is to create a landing page which will help you to convert visitors into customers. There are a lot of ways to create it but one of the easiest and affordable ways for most business owners is using a special landing page constructor.


Automatic Marketing & Sales Funnel System Clickfunnels vs Leadpages vs Optimizepress .Which One is the Best ?


Leadpages, Clickfunnels, and Optimizepress are considered the best instruments on the market. You will be able to build an efficient landing page, in some cases, in a few minutes. They provide a lot of convenient tools and a lot of capabilities.

Which of these services should you prefer? Which one of them is the best? We are going to dive into the topic and compare Clickfunnels vs Leadpages vs Optimizepress. In the end, you will be able to choose the most suitable product for your business.

The Ultimate Landing Page Builder : Clickfunnels or Leadpages or Optimizepress ?

What is landing page and why may you need it?

A landing page is a page or a mini website created to motivate users to do some action or to buy specific goods. It is often used to offer a service or sell a specific product.

Landing page tasks

  • Sales growth — due to attractive design, specific information, advertising texts, high-quality images.
  • Collect information — subscribe to mailings, collect contact data of potential customers.


sale landing page

Sale Landing Page with Email Funnels  example :

Email Landing Page Examples

Email Landing Page Examples :

When is it worth developing a landing page?

  • If your site shows low conversion rates, and many buyers leave without making a purchase, but there is no money or time to develop a new site.
  • If you have launched a new product and need to present it in the best possible way and focus on contextual advertising.
  • If there are specific narrow marketing tasks that are problematic to reach the main site.

Landing pages give conversion rates from 2% to 10%, which is significantly higher than the performance of regular sites. Thus, the customer gets significantly more sales.

Landing page advantages:

  • Very fast development and low cost.
  • A strong motivation for the visitor to perform the desired action — there is no distracting information on the page.
  • Ability to experiment with improving the landing page.

What can these landing page constructors do?


Drag and Drop Landing Page Constructors

The main feature of Optimizepress, Leadpages, and Clickfunnels is to help any user to build an attractive landing page to promote the goods or services to a wider audience. The page can be dedicated to almost everything: digital and physical products, services, regular or one-time events, webinars, invitations, etc.

There are templates for each type of event or product. Each template can be easily modified and customized. So, you are not limited to the basic functionality of the platform. Additionally, all three platforms provide an integration with third-party services and applications including payment services, mailing lists, and a lot of others. The user is able to control everything related to the visitor’s activity.

So if you don’t really need a powerful instrument to increase the conversion rate no matter what you offer to your customers, Clickfunnels, Leadpages, and Optimizepress are the greatest instruments for you and your business.

Deep Analysis for Alternative for Leadpages vs Clickfunnels vs Optimizepress


Now let’s review each service in details. We’ll start at Leadpages.

Leadpages Landing Page Creator for Beginner

Leadpages is one of the most popular landing page constructors with a wide range of necessary instruments to build and support it. You do not require your own server to publish the created landing page, but you can copy it to your website or integrate with the WordPress plug-in.

Leadpages Automated Sales Funnel Creator
Leadpages Automated Sales Funnel Creator

Leadpages Templates

When you use the service for the first time, the system will ask you several questions to understand why you are going to use Leadpages. Then it will offer the matching templates which will suit your needs the best. It helps to sort the templates very fast.

Moreover, you are able to browse all several hundred templates manually and filter them by category. You are not limited to the templates that suit your needs, but you are able to watch all available options. Additionally, Leadpages offers to sort all the templates by the date of edition or the highest conversion rates.


Leadpages Free Templates & Sales funnel
Leadpages Free Templates & Sales funnel

Leadpages Opt-in forms

Besides landing pages, this service also helps to create Leadboxes. You are able to add an opt-in form to the landing page or insert it into the regular website. The forms can be activated by time and triggers, as well as image links, bottoms or text field.

Also, to create the Leadboxes, you are able to use the drag and drop editor, use email plugins and other third-party applications.

Leaddigits allows visitors to opt-in via the SMS messages instead of online form.

If you require additional templates, they are available to be purchased. But we must admit that Leadpages provides enough free templates for almost anything you need. You will get everything for a quick start.

Leadpages Drag & Drop Leadboxes for Opt-in forms
Leadpages Drag & Drop Leadboxes for Opt-in forms

Leadpages Template editor

The latest Leadpages version provides the best drag-and-drop experience. A visual builder is very modern and attractive, with clear and intuitive user-friendly interface. To edit an element, it is enough to just click on it.

No matter what template you use, you are able to add any number of sections, elements, and widgets. Then you may save your changes as a custom template.

You can also use the traditional editor to modify the standard templates. it is not so user-friendly as a drag and drop version, but anyway it helps to edit any section in a few clicks. Besides it’s not that convenient, it is still very powerful.

When you finish question the landing page, there are several options where to save it:

  • a stand-alone page on Leadpages server;
  • Facebook page;
  • your own hosting.


Leadpages Drag and Drop Template editor


Leadpages Reporting and optimization tools

Leadpages automatically tracks your page views and conversion rates. Additionally, you can integrate the third party tools like Google Analytics. so you’re able to control the visitor’s activity.

Split tests will help to create several versions of the landing page and then compare how efficient each of them is. You will be able to control their traffic and amount of page views.


Leadpages Integration options

Leadpages Can be easily integrated with the most efficient third party services which provide webinar capabilities, marketing instruments, payment solutions, and even WordPress integration. Please keep in mind that some of them are available only in Advanced plan.

Leadpages Pricing

Leadpages offers 3 packages with a different set of available features:

  • Standard: $37 per month ($25 when you pay annually).
  • Pro: $79 per month ($48 when you pay annually).
  • Advanced: $199 per month (available only on annual basis).
Leadpages Pricing
Leadpages Pricing

To keep your pages always online, don’t forget to prolong the subscription in time. However, not any plan limits you to the number of unique visitors. Each subscriber can access all the templates. Each new level opens some locked features.

What is LeadPages Alternatives ?


Many business owners who want to promote their business online and attract new clients, in most cases used special landing pages. The main goal of such a resource is usually to collect leads — contact information of the target audience. To simplify the landing page creation there are a lot of online services. LeadPages is the most popular one. However, there are some alternatives. In the article, we will review the best LeadPages alternatives.


Who are LeadPages Customers?


LeadPages Is an online service which allows to create the landing page of any complexity and optimize its performance. You will be able to create the target resource for any purpose and conveniently manage it through the dashboard. This service will be useful for anyone who needs the landing page: small, middle, and large business owners, blogger, marketers, and even freelancers.


What’s a Good FREE Alternative to LeadPages?


As LeadPages does not provide the free features, many users think about free alternatives to this service. Are there any good free alternatives? To say shortly, no.

if you are willing to try for a free alternative, we cannot say it is really an alternative. In the best case, such a service will have very limited features. Instead, LeadPages provides the technical support team, a great community to help with any possible issues, and the full range of necessary features to create a high-quality landing page even in the basic plan. They constantly improve their platform and add new features. We’ll free alternative to have all of that? In most cases, it will not have.

Yes, other services can offer the free trial period. But sooner or later to use the service fully, you will have to pay for it.

What will free services offer you? In most cases, you will get:

  • a limited set of features;
  • a limited amount of storage or created landing pages;
  • no domain name;
  • no customer support.

No doubt, the landing page constructor is a quite complicated instrument. The developers spend much time to develop and support the platform. So, it’s not reasonable to expect the developers to provide the high-quality services for free. And most of them do not provide even the limited free plan. The only option you can expect is the free trial period limited in time.

So, is there any good free landing page constructor? Pay your attention to Sumo. This a good service with a free tariff plan, however, with limited features. You will be able to use the range of opt-in forms and integrate them into your WordPress website. Additionally, the service offers to store the subscribers’ contacts in their database. One of the biggest advantages is that the visitors to leave you a contact information, will not have to confirm the address. So, try Sumo as a really great free alternative to LeadPages.


Which is better: Instapage, Unbounce or LeadPages?


So, we found out that to find the free alternative to LeadPages is almost impossible. However, there are other good premium services. In this section, we’ll compare LeadPages with two popular ones Instapage and Unbounce.

For many users Instapage can seem better for the following reasons:

  • Intuitive, user-friendly, smooth, and clean user interface.
  • The interface is created for the even Azores squeeze far from design or development. They can easily use this service and create highly efficient landing pages.
  • A variety of great templates which are designed by professionals. Besides, you will be able to upload your own template.
  • Integration with a variety of software to create your own CRM, email campaign or other marketing tools.
  • Provides more feature and tools for a better budget.
  • A/B testing for landing page optimization.
  • Very friendly support. They provide informative help which is really useful for those users who are not professionals or experts.
  • Better optimization for mobile devices.



  • Much more expensive.
  • At the same time, it provides a huge variety of customization tools to change your landing page.
  • Of course, for non-technical specialists, it will be much more difficult to use the platform.
  • Many users have the problems with performance and loading speed, as well as in some cases the service is not well optimized for mobile users.
  • The platform offers monthly free trial period but it requires your payment information. Some users will not consider it appropriate.



This is the most popular service for landing page creation. It provides a wide range of features and allows to create the landing page of any kind. At the same time, it allows to easily customize any template, and optimize the performance.

Many users consider it the universal tool, however, they platform meets an improvement in some aspects. For example, if the user needs a simple landing page, he should be able to hide unnecessary tools.


How About PopupAlly Pro Plugin for WordPress ?

If you already have a WordPress website and do not need to create a complex landing page, take a look at PopupAlly Pro plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows doubling your conversions on how to create the landing page for any promotion.

This is a premium WordPress plugin with the easy-to-use and intuitive interface. It allows growing your leads without many efforts. It is very easy to install and configure. To create the best designs, you do not need a deep technical background.

Some of its features:

  • Design editor to customize the opt-in forms.
  • Create mobile-friendly popups.
  • Horizontal opt-in bars.
  • Supports a lot of languages.
  • Reader decision points.
  • Add video, social media codes.
  • Contact forms within pop-ups.
  • Detailed video instructions and great technical support.


There are some great alternatives to LeadPages. Most of them are also premium, however, you can find some free services. Of course, they will be very limited, but if you just start your online business, it will be a great solution.


OptimizePress Membership Site & Landing Page Creator


OptimizePress is a landing page constructor for WordPress with lead generation functionality. At the moment, it is provided only as a plugin. However, you can get SmartTheme with basic Optimizepress functionality. Despite it is supported by most WordPress themes, weird ways to contact the development team to avoid some compatibility issues. So if you’re looking for a landing page based on WordPress, OptimizePress is a great solution.

OptimizePress marketing sales funnel system
OptimizePress marketing sales funnel system creator


OptimizePress Landing page templates


As OptimizePress is not a stand-alone service, you will have to manage your landing page via the WordPress dashboard. Before the start, you may watch some learning videos. After that, you will be able to create a new page. There are many templates divided into several categories. Besides landing pages, there are thank you pages, opt-ins, webinars, and sales pages.

The templates are quite attractive but not that impressive as Clickfunnels and Leadpages. They can be easily modified, although they are focused on specific needs.

There is no built-in conversion rate data, but you can easily integrate the third party plugins. Moreover, you will be able to get the new templates in the template market.

Free OptimizePress Landing Page
Free OptimizePress Landing Page

OptimizePress Template editor

When do you decide which template to use, OptimizePress will Orange its live editor to customize it. It is not convenient as most competitive or even the best WordPress page builders, but at least it provides all the necessary features and tools. You can change icons, fonts, texts, widgets, page elements, as well as add a button, timers, boxes, pricing table, audio and video files, testimonials, etc. Pretty good selection of these elements will let you customize the landing page in your own taste. If you want, you can integrate the elements from third party plugins. The subscribers get much more elements available only for premium users.

All these elements will let you customize the built-in template according to your needs. OptimizePress provides a unique experience for every user be it a beginner or an experienced one.


OptimizePress Reporting and optimization tools

You are able to add a lot of analytical plugins. WordPress platforms provide a lot of them, on any taste. You can add them on WordPress dashboard as well as on the OptimizePress itself. IT support almost all WordPress plug-ins for analyzing the user’s behavior.

At least some of the plug-ins are available through the OptimizePress dashboard. You can easily connect your landing page to Google Analytics or similar services and track all the webpage activity.

Experiments module allows to analyze the several version of the page and to compare how the traffic is distributed among them. The tool is not that convenient as the competitor’s ones but it is quite enough to get all the minimal info. It will help you to choose which page is better and more effective, and which one attracts more visitors which convert to leads. Anyways, the tools are quite effective.

OptimizePress Integration options

OptimizePress can be easily integrated with the most popular services available on the market. They include mailing lists, payment modules, or analytical tools. You can also manage all the active users via OptimizeMember module.

A sample of OptimizePress Integration options.
A sample of OptimizePress Integration options for marketing and sales funnel system

OptimizePress Pricing

The pricing model is a bit different from the competitors. When they offer subscription plans, in OptimizePress you pay only once. So, there are three plans:

  • Core: $97 for three websites.
  • Publisher: $197 for ten websites and extra features.
  • Pro: $297 for 30 websites and unlimited features.
OptimizePress One-Time Pricing
OptimizePress Landing Page Builder : One-Time Pricing


You do not have to pay for the service each year or each month, so it is much more convenient for some users. Also, you can get an additional package paid annually. With it, you can get more templates and access OptimizeLeads software for lead generation.

ClickFunnels Funnel & Landing page Creator by Russell Brunson


ClickFunnels is the most advanced service. We would say it is more all-in-one solution rather than only landing page constructor. The company positions itself as a service for creating the sales funnels. You just choose the final goal and achieve it step by step.

You do not require a website, because all the pages are stored on ClickFunnels hosting. You can also integrate payment options as well as tools to manage the visitors and active customers. However, ClickFunnels does not provide SMTP service so you will have to get your own one.

Compared to other services in the list, ClickFunnels is the most expensive one. But it provides the widest range of features. Let’s see whether it suits your needs.


ClickFunnels Easily Build Pages Inside of A Sales Funnel That Are Proven To Convert!
ClickFunnels Easily Build Pages Inside of A Sales Funnel That Are Proven To Convert!

ClickFunnels Landing page templates

Before you choose the landing page template, ClickFunnels will offer you to select a sales funnel. There are several presets for different purposes. What do you expect to get from your landing page? Choose the correct one, and the service will help you to improve your sales, launch the event, hold a webinar, create an email list, email form, etc.

ClickFunnels provides a lot of videos explaining all the aspects of creating the sales funnel. Feel free to create your own funnel, as well as get the one from the market.

Having selected the funnel, you are able to create the landing page to achieve the best results. There are few free templates but you can also get a premium one. There is a much wider selection of premium templates than the free ones. However, some template prices can really surprise if not shock. We could find a template that costs $247. We think it is too much for such expensive service.


ClickFunnels Free & Paid Template
ClickFunnels Free & Paid Template with many automated sales funnel creator

ClickFunnels Template Editor

It is very easy to modify any template and create the own one. Additionally, you are able to edit each step in a sales funnel. The landing page constructor really impresses. It has a drag and drop interface so you do not require any coding skills to work with the template. The user is able to edit any element and content by dragging and dropping it to any position in the window. Actually, you can change the position of any template element and then save the changes as the custom template.

So, we can say it safely that ClickFunnels is very easy to use and extremely customizable landing page constructor. It highly simplifies the editing and creating a process so even the complete beginner can cope with the landing page creation.


Template Master In ClickFunnels
Template Master In ClickFunnels

Reporting and optimization tools on ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels allow controlling the funnels statistics without any efforts. You will not require any third party services to get all the details.

If something is going wrong, ClickFunnels provides the recommendations how to solve the issue. So if you are not a specialist, it will not be a problem for you to dive into the process.

ClickFunnels also provides a great split testing capabilities. you can create several landing pages and then compare which one of them is working better. you will not require any additional plugins or tools, as they are built-in. You are able to control every mouse click.

ClickFunnels Integration options for Automatic Sales Funnel


Besides the huge amount of provided services, ClickFunnels provides the integration with a lot of third-party services. Also, you are able to connect your landing page to WordPress website. You are able to integrate any payment processors, analytical tools, email and messaging tools, as well as many other services.

Clickfunnels Pricing
Clickfunnels Sales Funnel Creator Pricing

ClickFunnels : Marketing & Funnel System Pricing

This is the most expensive offer in the list. However, even the basic plan provides almost all the features instead of limited access provided by its competitors. There are two pricing options:

  • ClickFunnels: $997 per year (includes 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 unique visitors).
  • Full ClickFunnels Suite: $2,997 per year (no limitations plus additional tools like Actionetics autoresponder and the Backpack affiliate marketing).

Additionally, ClickFunnels provides 14 days trial period. Please don’t forget to prolong the subscription because your pages will not be available.


Any ClickFunnels Alternative?


If you are a business owner, you definitely want to get the new customers. One of the most efficient ways to do that is to create a sales funnel with a landing page which will convert new visitors into the clients. There are a lot of online tools to automate this process. ClickFunnels is one of the most popular and efficient platforms. However, it is very expensive, and we will try to find out whether there are good alternatives.


Is there any affordable alternative to ClickFunnels?

Many specialists try to look for a good alternative to ClickFunnels, as the platform might seem very expensive for those who do not need a bunch of features. The service provides so many of them that a lot of developers will never use even half of them.

Yes, such a service exists. Meet BuilderAll — the universal tool with much more affordable pricing. Depending on your needs, it varies from $9.90 to $49.90 per months. And you will get all the necessary features to create the sales funnel and the landing page as a part of it. What does the service provide to its users?

  • It includes a funnel, landing page and website builder in one place. Additionally, you will be able to create the mobile application for iOS and Android, create a mailing list with 10,000 subscribers by default, create videos and build presentations, as well as full set of SEO tools to promote your business.
  • So, you get an all-in-one platform with no need to look for additional services. And it is much cheaper than ClickFunnels. Let’s deep inside some BuilderAll features.
  • Drag and drop HTML5 Builder. Create high-quality websites including sales pages, lead capture pages, online stores, or the marketing page of any type. You won’t need any coding knowledge base for that.
  • Email Marketing tool with the delivery rate of 98%. Configure your email campaigns in a few clicks and get the highest result. The amount of available emails is unlimited.
  • Video creator. Create animated, sales, and floating videos to catch visitors attraction and convert them into the new buyers. Share created videos via YouTube, Facebook, own website and much more tools.
  • Integration with Facebook. One of the most effective tools to cooperate with your customers is to create the Facebook fan page. You can integrate BuilderAll directly to the Facebook fan page.


What is the best and free alternative to ClickFunnels?

While ClickFunnels is really overpriced and doesn’t offer the free options, many customers consider free alternatives to the service. However, are there good and free alternatives to ClickFunnels?

If you are going to use the free alternative, don’t always think it’s really a good alternative. What you can really expect is a very limited amount of options. Many of them will force you to use additional services to provide the expected result. At the same time, with ClickFunnels you will be able to get support from the company specialist. For the beginners, it’s really a great opportunity to solve any possible issues. Additionally, the platform is constantly improving and the developers add the new features. Why should the developers give that for free?

Some services will provide the free trial period. However, to use all its capabilities, you will have to get the subscription. In free plans you will be able to get:

  • a limited range of functions;
  • a limited amount of disk space, landing pages or sales funnels;
  • no domain name;
  • no or very limited customer support.

Despite it’s not that easy to find a high-quality online service to create your first sales funnel, we would like to pay your attention to LeadSanity. This is a wonderful service with officially free tariff plan. If you lack its features, the premium plan starts from $9.95 per month. And you will be able to do much more with it.

Some of the LeadSanity features:

  • User-friendly landing page and lead capture page builder.
  • Integration to any email service via the code.
  • Convenient dashboard to manage the opt-in forms and email lists.
  • Analyze your visitors via the convenient control panel.
  • Round-a-day support via chat and email.
  • Cloud-based service runs on a reliable server hosted in a reliable private cloud.


How to create a great sales funnel without ClickFunnels?

Despite the ClickFunnels is really expensive, there are alternative ways to create the great sales funnel without using this service. Let’s consider the most popular and appropriate one.

  • Get the domain name, web hosting, and upload the WordPress website. In most cases, it will not cost you more than $15 per month. On this stage, you pay just for the domain and hosting. WordPress is free to use.
  • Get a subscription to Thrive Themes, Architect Plugin, and Optimize Plugin. These tools really great to generate millions of visits per year. Combining them, you will be able to have a blog and run the sales funnel. Another great benefit is several funnels on one website, build the landing and sales page, and integrate them with your WordPress website. This will cost you not more than $19 per month.
  • Install any online store and membership plugin to sell digital products. You can buy most of these plugins by a one-time fee of about $50. If you choose the subscription, it will cost you much less than ClickFunnels. Even if you spend some money, you will earn much more with these tools. Of course, there are much more expansive solutions, but they will be useful for large companies.

Of course, using WordPress to build a sales funnel and landing page will not be free, but you will be able to save several thousand dollars than buying the ClickFunnels subscription. And in most cases, it will be easier to achieve great results because WordPress has a huge worldwide community, and you will get any help.

As we found out, there are good alternatives to ClickFunnels. Yes, this platform is really ultimate. But you will have to spend a lot of time to learn it, and many users consider it overpriced. You can try LeadSanity as an alternative to the free plan. If you like traditional solutions, try WordPress and additional plugins.


What’s better, ClickFunnels or LeadPages ?

If you are looking for a tool to create a landing page and manage your saved funnels, you can find a lot of information about two popular services: ClickFunnels and LeadPages. Both services provide a bunch of features but it is not that easy to decide which one is better.


ClickFunnels is a cloud-based service for business owners to develop their online sales. The platform will help to host your website not buying the web hosting and without design knowledge. It offers interactive instruments for website development and marketing funnels creation.

ClickFunnels offers a number of ready-made funnel patterns for various businesses. Templates can be changed to build multiple pages using interactive tools, including images, videos, headers and dynamic lists.

Here you can track visitor actions on sites and integrate the business apps, including CRM, ERP, auto responders, using the API.

Key ClickFunnels features:

  • Dashboard for monitoring KPI.
  • Integration of CRM and email.
  • Designing landing pages.
  • Funnel patterns.
  • Advertising distribution.
  • Graphic content.
  • Landing page templates.
  • Multichannel communication.
  • Management and analysis of advertising campaigns.
  • The editor of online pages.
  • Workflow based on rules.
  • Sales management.
  • Analysis of sales trends.
  • Integration into social networks.
  • Monitoring of web traffic.
  • Integration of ERP.
  • Auto responders.


LeadPages is a platform with a huge range of options to create the landing pages of all kinds and optimize their performance. You can use the custom templates on any platform, such as Facebook, WordPress, and many others.

You can build the custom template, supplement it with A/B-testing and conversion rate statistics. LeadPages offers additional options such as buttons, forms, registration pages, pop-ups, etc.

Main LeadPages characteristics:

  • Build any amount of landing pages and domains.
  • Create custom fields and page templates.
  • Build and upload own templates.
  • Use a bunch of dynamic elements like buttons, countdowns, etc..
  • Manage popup windows.
  • Perform split testing.
  • Adapted templates for mobile devices.
  • Track duplicates.
  • Conversion.
  • Labels, bookmarks and groups.
  • Fields pre-filling.
  • Analysis and statistics.



  • At least $ 37
  • Trial period
  • Payment: By subscription
  • The service costs from $ 37 per month. Discounts are available for purchases for a year and two years.


  • At least $ 97
  • Trial period
  • Payment: By subscription

Other services integration


  • Zapier
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud


  • No

ClickFunnels and LeadPages  Features




Platforms Web app Web app
Deployment Cloud Cloud
Available languages English English
Access via HTTPS Yes Yes
Work with social networks Yes Yes
Landing Page
Visual editor Yes Yes
Templates Yes Yes
Notifications No Yes
Number of pages created Unlimited Unlimited
CRM features No Yes
Statistics Yes Yes
A/B testing Yes No
Work with social networks Yes Yes
Security & Privacy
Access via HTTPS Yes Yes

As you can see, but services can provide great results for your business. Which one should you use? Definitely it depends on your needs. But for the same set of features, LeadPages will be much more affordable.


Conclusion on the alternative for Leadpages vs Clickfunnels vs Optimizepress: which service suits you best?


So we were able to compare free most popular landing page constructors on the market. Which one of them will suit you the best? In fact, it directly depends on your needs.

ClickFunnels provides the widest range of features otherwise it is the most expensive. It helps you to achieve the sales funnel you selected at the very beginning to step by step. We advise it for those who like the complex solutions

OptimizePress is the best option for those who already have a WordPress website and doesn’t want to get another account to launch the landing page. Another advantage is that pricing option is one time instead of regular subscription fees.

Leadpages is the best solution for beginners who do not require a lot of features but want user-friendly interface and advanced capabilities for the affordable price.

No matter which service you are going to use, each of them will definitely help to expand your business capabilities and push up your sales.

26 thoughts on “Alternative for Clickfunnels vs Leadpages vs Optimizepress 2018 Sale Funnel & Opt in Landing Page Free or Paid ?”

  1. New to this still but I wanted to learn how to design landing pages…anyone have any suggestions? I’ve looked at Leadpages, instapage and hubspot. What’s the best?

    1. Hi, Rojer

      I’m looking at wordpress right now..looks good. I just want to be able to build something that doesn’t always have the “look” of CF. It also allows me to learn for myself instead of always having to rely on others to do the work for me. WordPress and Leadpages look to be the best choices at the moment.

    2. Hey Rojer , If you’re looking to expand outside of clickfunnels, then I’d go with WordPress. There are some great themes that allow for heavy customization the same way the CF page builder does, the websites you create work splendidly when integrated with CF, and you’ll be able to maintain control if you decide to leave behind one of the other landing page softwares such as leadpages, unbounce, etc.

  2. I am a big fan of wordpresss and developing with WordPress. I’m quite new to funnels and such.

    For those who are using Clickfunnels or Leadpages etc. What are your reasons for using those platforms rather than through WordPress?

    I would love to know why you are spending so much on the platforms?

    1. I’m a developer and have been working with WordPress since 2011. I felt the same way and always built my own landing pages and funnels. I even recreated funnels I saw online that looked identical. BUT by the time I added in all of the features, it really was a lot of work. I tried CF and fell in love. It was so easy to create a funnel and I loved the way they looked. Honestly, I now suggest people use them instead of hiring me to develop these pages. I still prefer to use WordPress for the actual website (homepages, blogs, etc), but I use CF for everything relating to a funnel. I would play with the 2-week trial and then decide. From a developer to another developer, you could very well create these on your own and be done with it. Just make sure you add in all of the same features CF has. Personally, though, I love CF

    1. used Facebook Ads and send Thema to a Landingpage where they get an free Coffee to every breakfast for the E-Mail Adress and than Upsell to an Dinner for 2

    1. Funnel scripts is cool only if you’re using it for your own product rather than promoting some product as an affiliate

    1. “You could create a rewarding referral program for one thing, and you can increase your sales to your current clients for another. (but I know that’s not what you’re asking, just saying there’s other ways to increase revenue also)

      But what kind of help do you need with building a funnel?

      Are you asking how to do it technically, or what it should look like or what the offer should be, or what?

      If you can be a little more specific, I’m sure you’ll get lots of help.”

  3. Kandhi Yaksi

    I need a little bit of convincing my self. I hope you can help me with that because I expect this question from my hypothetic future clients.
    Why should someone buy Clikfunnels if he can do the same pages in WordPress.
    Which would be the main reasons?

    1. “WordPress and ClickFunnels are both different. WordPress is more for those people who prefer to blog and use SEO for driving free organic traffic from Google, Bing, and Yahoo. But having said that, there are plugins like ProfitBuilder 2.0 that can turn your WordPress site into a sales funnel too.

      ClickFunnels is for folks who prefer to build squeeze pages for capturing leads and creating email marketing campaigns as well as sales funnels for maximising profits. If you have money for advertising your ClickFunnels page, you can accomplish success much quicker than blogging.

      It depends which strategy would best suit the needs of your business. But in my opinion, I recommend taking advantage of WordPress and ClickFunnels if you want to build a HUGE business for yourself and your clients.”

      1. Hi, I’m similar to you in that I really like wordpress and just started looking into clickfunnels. So I may not be correct but I think clickfunnels combines a number of services together ie; email, a/b testing, hosting. So when I add up all the third party services I use (mailchimp/hosting) the price is actually comparable.

    1. THere’s a lot of people making money from it.
      It’s still very popular but it’s just how you promote it. If you’re already a clickfunnels member then you could do tutorials on how you create funnels – showing people how the product works and what’s possible is a really good way to get people on board.

      Or write a review of it sharing your thoughts and opinions. There’s lots of ways you can get traffic too it it’s all about finding your audience and putting it in front of them.

  4. im new here ! im on jvzoo and i tries to promote my affiliate links with fb ads and insta but they block the link … any tips ? im also on clickbank ! any tips to publish my links

    1. Yeah use a website and if your links keeps on getting blocked then you might wanna read the terms and condition

  5. Ok if I’m promoting a Software Product EX: ClickFunnels how would I go by getting targeted customers onto my email list? Like what’s a good Opt-in?

    1. Find what your target audience wants. So for example with Clickfunnels: I would try get them on a list and giveaway something that will go with the product..

      You could create something yourself or you could also go to PLR sites buy a private label rights (PLR) product that would go well as a bonus and give it away to get their email.

  6. Just a question about the Clickfunnels newsletter/email. With clickfunnels once you’ve created one – say for example one to collect emails is it integrated somewhere onto your existing website (like in the widgets sidebar area) of your site? Or do you create another site/domain name for the clickfunnel? And would it work for an authority site with multiple affiliate links like my Hustlers site which Warren reviewed earlier this year… sales funnels have always stumped me as to how you link or apply them to your existing site. Cheers LT

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