Month: June 2018

Sale Funnel For Business

17 Tactic to Increase Conversions & Sales Through Your Funnel in 2018

Any beginning businessman engaged in the sales should be familiar with terminology and marketing theory. One of the key concepts that all entrepreneurs need to master for a successful business is the sales funnel. The sales funnel is one of the main business tools for any entrepreneur. If you are in business or just planning …

17 Tactic to Increase Conversions & Sales Through Your Funnel in 2018 Read More »

9 Effective Conversion Mobile Responsive Landing Page Template Library Examples 2018

If you are browsing the internet and you end up on a page which has highlighted words such as “Pre-order”, “Register”, “Act Now”, “Buy Now”, “Sign Up” etc, you are on a landing page. On the alternative, if you want to create a website and want to increase conversions from those visitors on your page, …

9 Effective Conversion Mobile Responsive Landing Page Template Library Examples 2018 Read More »

7 Killer Squeeze Page & Automated Sales Funnel Creator – Get 10X Result for Opt-ins Email Marketing

  There are different words being used for the same thing on the digital marketing platform like everything else in life that we come across. We refer to “landing pages” where visitors come onto our website, which is generally where we have sufficient information for his to assimilate what we offer is also called squeeze …

7 Killer Squeeze Page & Automated Sales Funnel Creator – Get 10X Result for Opt-ins Email Marketing Read More »

15 Alternative Squeeze Page for Lead Generation That Converts Well from Many Industry

The maximum number of fishing lines that you would cast in a day, the better chances that you would have of catching some fish rather than the guy seated next to you. He would cast just one reel and then when nothing is caught he packs up and goes home empty-handed, whereas you would be …

15 Alternative Squeeze Page for Lead Generation That Converts Well from Many Industry Read More »

7 Convertkit Alternatives For Professional Automation Drip Email Marketing

Email marketing has been in the forefront on the digital marketing platform and this would be rightly so if you see the statistics which do not lie. There are about 2.2 billion active monthly users on FaceBook and about 350 million active users of Twitter too worldwide. Statistics stun the findings where it is recorded …

7 Convertkit Alternatives For Professional Automation Drip Email Marketing Read More »

7 AdEspresso Alternatives for Optimization Tool for Conversion on Facebook Ads Management

An incredible 2.2 billion monthly active users worldwide, is what the world’s most popular social media platform, FaceBook offers those who would care to advertise on it. Getting through to such a gigantic market segment which would have a good mix of all types of potential customers would be like throwing the line in a …

7 AdEspresso Alternatives for Optimization Tool for Conversion on Facebook Ads Management Read More »

13 Life & Auto Insurance Landing Pages That Prove That Are Getting Leads Online

Those who would walk into your home or office trying to sell insurance are indeed bringing bad omen where they would say “what if “the unfortunate or the unforeseen happens. They would additionally inquire whether you have the resources to recover from the loss, or if the worst happens, whether your loved ones could bear …

13 Life & Auto Insurance Landing Pages That Prove That Are Getting Leads Online Read More »